Online Services
What Is Online Counselling/Psychotherapy?

As with face-to-face work, online counselling/psychotherapy provides an opportunity to explore personal difficulties and issues in a confidential and supportive environment. It can be especially helpful to those who would find it hard to come for face-to-face appointments on account of their location, lifestyle or other practical/personal issues. It has become a particularly valuable way of accessing continued support following recent lockdowns during the Covid-19 pandemic.

How Does It Work?

Online counselling/psychotherapy can take place in a variety of different ways.

Audio-video appointments are perhaps the most common form of online support. They provide the closest approximation to a face-to-face session as both therapist and client can see and hear each other when interacting.

Text-based online work is another option, though. This can be either 'synchronous' (taking place 'live' or in 'real time' via online chat sessions) or 'asynchronous' (occurring through the exchange of e-mails at an agreed time each week). If you enjoy or are used to communicating through the written word, text-based online sessions can be a powerful and practical means of accessing support. Some people find expressing themselves in writing easier or more fulfilling than doing so verbally. Asynchronous sessions allow a little more time to think about what you might want to communicate to your therapist and to reflect upon their responses - whereas synchronous chat sessions enable a stronger sense of live interaction. Both types of text-based online counselling/psychotherapy mean a transcript or record of interactions with your therapist will be available for you to look back on over time - something that a lot of people find beneficial.

What About Security? What Platforms Would We Use?

The security and confidentiality of our connection is of key importance if you opt for online sessions with me. I currently use Zoom for live chat or audio-video appointments but can also use Signal if preferred. For e-mail work, I suggest we use a secure and encrypted e-mail platform called Protonmail or exchange our messages as password protected documents. Zoom, Signal and Protonmail are free to download. I can provide you with more information in an information sheet and client agreement form that I send out to prospective online clients.

Is Online Work Suitable For Everyone?

Online sessions work well for most people who are reasonably confident about using computer technology, have access to a reliable internet connection, and who can find a quiet time and space on a regular basis to interact with their therapist. Online counselling/psychotherapy may not be the most suitable form of support for everyone, though - particularly those in crisis, or individuals presenting a high-level of risk. If you're interested in working with me online, I'll ask you some questions at the outset and, if it appears as if this may not be the best option for you, I can help signpost you towards a more appropriate form of assistance.